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But this one was vivid green and lasted for a couple of seconds. I didn't realize that I had stopped in front of that door, and Grace had stopped as well, seeing me standing there. We stood at our places for a couple of seconds, but I moved to where she was waiting. We entered the room where the suicide happened. The room was rather basic but seemed comfortable. The person living here would have a bed, a TV, a closet and a small desk with a couple of chairs. There were huge glass windows with curtains. It also had an attached bathroom. When you visit a room where a violent death has recently happened, you can sometimes feel an odd tension. Like something was wrong and remains wrong. But this room wasn't one of those. It felt very ordinary. I glanced up and saw a hook-like structure protruding from the ceiling where a ceiling fan or chandelier once hung. This must be where he'd have fixed the noose. I asked to return to the office, where we can discuss what needs to be done next. But on our way back, I once again stopped at the room I had stopped at earlier.

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Après une dispute pour un fauteuil que leur offre Sonny pour jouer aux jeux vidéo, Nico et Grady déclarent qu'ils ne sont plus les meilleurs amis du monde. Ils choisissent tous les deux Sonny comme nouvelle meilleure amie, et du coup, elle est obligée de supporter leur comportement infantile. Finalement, elle réalise qu'elle doit intervenir pour que les deux garçons fassent la paix. Zora et la fille du directeur du studio, Dakota, sont en compétition pour vendre le plus de cookie pour les Scouts. Sonny aide Zora à gagner mais Chad s'en mêle et se met du coté de Dakota. Sonny et Chad essayent par tous les moyens de vendre leurs biscuits. Pendant ce temps, Tawni a promis de ne plus se regarder dans un mirroir pendant 2 jours et Nico et Grady trouve un parfum qui attire un peu trop les filles. Sonny et Tawni sont invitées au talk show de Gilroy Smith intitulé «Je vous ai eu». Elles s'aperçoivent très vite que Gilroy cherche à les piéger pour qu'elles révèlent des secrets embarrassants. Il va jusqu'à inviter Chad Dylan Cooper à son émission...

Black Clover Episode 80 at minute 4:27 OST? Anyone knows? I tried Shazam and search around in the OST Full Soundtrack but seems can't find it. Probably miss it somewhere. It's the moment when Vanessa reminiscing all the previous fight that include Finral, before he goes facing his little brother Langris. Thank you in advance.

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Foi ocupado pelos holandeses e recuperado no ano seguinte. A iconografia holandesa dessa época representa o Forte como uma torre redonda. Após o naufrágio do Galeão Sacramento, em 1668, decidiu-se construir um farol no interior do Forte, que foi reedificado entre 1694 e 1702. O Forte estava construído em um promontório e provavelmente, nessa época, ganhou seu terrapleno. O farol foi instalado em 1698. Era uma torre quadrangular com uma lanterna de bronze envidraçada, no topo, alimentada por óleo de baleia. Foi o primeiro farol da América. Em 1839, foi inaugurado um novo farol, que substituiu o anterior instalado em 1698. Esse novo farol foi fabricado na Inglaterra e tinha alcance de 18 milhas. Outro farol foi instalado em 1890 e, em 1937, foi eletrificado. Após a Independência foi colocado o Brasão do Império acima da entrada principal do Forte. Em 1938, o foi tombado pelo Iphan. O conjunto do Forte e seu Farol transformou-se em um dos mais conhecidos cartões postais do Brasil. É administrado pela Marinha, abriga também o Museu Náutico da Bahia, um bar e biblioteca.

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March 5, 2021