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Others took sides — Franklyn vs. Cooper — but regardless of what you believe or who you support, the damage has been done. Call Her Daddy is done, and if it comes back, it will never be the same. What is the Call Her Daddy podcast about? Created independently in 2018 before moving to Barstool Sports a month later, Call Her Daddy is a show about hosts and roommates Cooper and Franklyn. In it, the pair basically just shoot the shit about dating in their 20s in ways that are refreshingly raunchy for women, albeit often not PC. Cooper described it to the New York Post as "a women's locker-room conversation that we should be able to have. " Period sex, tricking your partner into taking medication for sexually transmitted diseases, and whether or not men are allowed to do baby-talk are just some of the topics broached in their episodes, which have earned them 1. 3 million followers on Instagram and a dedicated following on Reddit. So, are Sofia Franklyn and Alex Cooper famous influencers, or just podcasters?

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Percorrendo strade diverse apriranno la prima impresa familiare. Donne emancipate, oneste e ricche di amore e passione per il loro lavoro. La famiglia non viene trascurata da nessuna di loro. Le sorelle Steimann narrano ed interpretano, ognuna la loro strada e percorso. Insieme con coraggio danno vita ad un'opera tutta femminile. Lo spettatore si immerge piacevolmente nella trama del film. Non è un film che mostra la storia della sua epoca. L'intento è di elevare la donna alla stessa autorità maschile. La dimostrazione è che fama e prestigio in un paese di mastri vetrai arriveranno alle sorelle. Una saga familiare più di un romanzo storico, attuale anche ora. Un film di donne audaci e coraggiose da vedere sotto l'albero di Natale.

I only wish UHD price point was around the £15 mark and not £20 - £25.... As good as the book Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 14, 2018 Verified Purchase This turned into one of my favourite films. After reading the book, I was concerned the film would be too boring and number driven, and I wondered how they would portray Watney recording his day activities to a diary. But they do it well. I didn't feel at any point that the film was forced, and Watney's day-to-day is covered by montages and him talking to the camera. I'm a huge fan of Matt Damon, and he is great in the Martian, as is the mass of supporting cast in Space and on Earth. The end veers slightly from the book, but for the most part it is very close to the story, and they don't take many liberties. Scott has created a masterpiece. Theatrical version is the best Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 13, 2019 Verified Purchase The Martian is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Firstly, it is the only movie ever produced about outer space, that shows an actual and realistic scenario and story line in a near tangible future (without ridiculous aliens, absurd props and lame story line).

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