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It prefers to abstract the experiment from any psychological theories or details, opting instead to merely harp on endless, repetitive scenes of prisoner abuse. One particular guard, who thinks he's Strother Martin in " Cool Hand Luke, " abuses the prisoners. The prisoners take the abuse, rebelling once or twice before becoming passive. Zimbardo glares at a TV screen doing nothing while his guards break the rules of the contract everybody signed at the outset. Repeat ad nauseum. These scenes are supposed to shock the viewer, but they did not work for me, because I just didn't care. The film reduces the entire experiment to a Dead Teenager movie whose slasher just roughs them up. Prisoners are referred to by numbers in order to strip them of their personal identities, and the film keeps them at this level of distance. We never get to know any subject outside of brief sketches, so the victims become disposable. Despite the best efforts of the actors on both sides of the law, the film is completely clinical in its depiction, striking the same note for over 2 hours.

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Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc) I would like to go 5800x or 5900x, and the newest Radeon GPU I'm open to going with liquid cooling, but will admit - I know nothing of it, though I did look up AIO since I had no clue! I am handy, so I don't mind plumbing a system I would like to go 32GB of ram Storage wise, I'd like to have SSD and HD I've been reading a lot about B550 and X570... I think I would prefer to go X570, but I am not the expert, so I leave that open? I have been eying the Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-tower/full-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components? Mid or Fullsize. It isn't going ANYWHERE once it is setup My tower preference will lean towards whatever is effective, and keeps everything cool? I am kind of partial to the Lian Li 011D XL-W, but, I'm flexible Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget?

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De l'autre, nous avons un jeune homme accusé d'un meurtre. L'histoire paraît simple: un meurtre odieux, a priori crapuleux, et un jeune homme qui s'enfuit couvert de sang à travers la ville. A l'exception du mobile qui reste à déterminer, tout désigne ce présumé coupable. Seulement voilà: perdu, affolé par l'événement, le jeune homme semble... Lire plus Bluffant! Peur Primale est le genre de film qui manipule le spectateur avec virtuosité.. scénario est original: dans un premier temps, on suit l'itinéraire conflictuel entre un avocat de la défense ( excellent Richard Geere, dans l'un de ses meilleurs rôles) et son ancienne compagne devenue procureur. Et par la suite, on assiste à la relation établie entre ce même avocat et le jeune Aaron Stampler ( les mots me manquent pour... Le meurtre sordide d'un archevêque. L'arrestation et l'évidence du coupable. L'avocat de la défense avide de gloire comme de publicité. L'enquête. Le procès. Le twist final. Telle est la construction de la trame de « Peur Primale ».

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March 13, 2021