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Si pasas la prueba, me desposarás". El pretendiente soportó los vientos, la nieve y las noches heladas. Con la vista fija en el balcón de su amada, se mantuvo firme en su empeño día tras día. De vez en cuando la cortina de la ventana real dejaba traslucir la figura de la princesa, la cual, con un noble gesto y una sonrisa, aprobaba la faena. Algunos optimistas habían empezado a planear los festejos. Al llegar el día noventa y nueve, todos los pobladores acudieron a animar al joven. Todo era alegría y jolgorio, hasta que de pronto, cuando faltaba una hora para cumplirse el plazo, ante el asombro de todos, el muchacho se levantó, y sin dar explicación alguna, se alejó lentamente del lugar. Semanas después, cuando el plebeyo deambulaba por un solitario camino, un niño de la comarca le preguntó por qué se había retirado cuando estaba a un paso de lograr la mano de la princesa. Con lágrimas mal disimuladas, contestó en voz baja: "Si ella no me ahorró un día de sufrimiento, ni siquiera una hora, un minuto…no merecía mi amor­".

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'Because I was on telly, certain relatives thought I must be a multi-millionaire, ' Green tells Event At first there had been little in Green's youthful ambition to alarm his father. From the age of five, when he watched the Moon landings on the family television, all he had wanted to be was an astronaut. Indeed, he was training in the RAF to become a pilot when, at the age of 18, something unexpected happened: he was in an amateur dramatic show and the director suggested he had what it takes to become a professional actor. 'Here was someone telling me I could make a living doing something I thought could only ever be a hobby. Never in a million years did I think it would work. ' But work it did, and he soon got a job playing a hospital porter on the BBC series Casualty. His frequent appearances on television, he remembers, caused much discussion back in the pit village. 'I only discovered this recently but I got a reputation for being tight. Because I was on telly, certain relatives thought I must be a multi-millionaire.

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True detective saison 1 episode 8

On Dec. 1, director Patty Jenkins tweeted that Wonder Woman 1984 will be the first film on HBO Max available in 4K Ultra HD, HDR 10, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. Not quite sure what that means for you? We break it down here, but essentially, if you have the right device, you'll be able to watch the film in better resolution and, in the case of Dolby Atmos, better sound. Excited to announce that #WW84 will be the first film on HBO Max available in 4K Ultra HD, HDR 10, Dolby Vision AND Dolby Atmos! Can't wait. IN THEATERS on Dec. 25th and exclusively streaming in the US on @hbomax. PLEASE find the biggest and highest quality screen you can!! — Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) December 1, 2020 Theaters will show it, too Many moviegoers haven't been back to their favorite cinema since the pandemic lockdowns began back in March. Some theaters remain closed. And even the theaters that are open in the US and around the world have introduced special precautions and reduced seating. But certain theaters will be showing Wonder Woman 1984, the WarnerMedia statement said.

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