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Synopsis It may happen to you... anytime In what appears to be a serendipitous encounter upon saving the life of a stranger, the calculated and reserved businessman Nick meets the impulsive and optimistic photographer Ali, who believes in destiny and carpe diem, or seizing the day. Nick, who seeks closure for his past mistakes, is drawn towards Ali's spirit and vigor. Despite living with a congenital heart disease and being on the wait-list for a heart transplant, Ali continues to be hopeful about her future. Ali challenges Nick to seize every moment of his life before it's too late. Meanwhile, Nick finds a way to give Ali a new lease on life - even if it means risking one's life and their love for each other. Cast Crew Details Genres Studios Country Languages Alternative Titles First Love 2018, 初恋 Popular reviews More If you can get past the basic fact that Bea Alonzo has once again been paired with a much older man, this movie is mainly okay. Okay, in the sense that there really isn't much here to object to.

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Maybe this opinion is controversial, but here it is. I REALLY liked nausicaa and I would definitely call it one of my favourite ghibli films. It has great characters, basically no 100% villains adding to complex characters, and great actors behind the english dub (Patrick Stewart, Edward James Olmos, Mark Hamill, Shia Labeouf, Alison Lohman). The themes of environmentalism and conflict are fantastically represented, the film is aesthetically beautiful, and the character of Nausicaa, the focus, is one of the great examples of strong female characters. Not only being a generally strong character, but a great female role model (of course, the name Nausicaa is from Homer's Odyssey and is based off the strong female heroine) who displays not only authority and strength, but also empathy and curiosity. I guess one thing that might bias me towards the film unlike other people is that I generally even prefer the simpler animation style in terms of it's more minimalistic beauty as opposed to more complex animation styles from later films.

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"Amor por casualidad" Película Romántica en español. part 2/3 - video Dailymotion Watch fullscreen Font

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Il s'installe ensuite à Anvers, pour y suivre les cours de l'École des beaux-arts et découvre l'œuvre de Petrus Paulus Rubens. Mais, rebuté par l'enseignement qu'on lui dispense, il repart en février 1886 et rejoint à Paris son frère, qui l'héberge dans un atelier de Montmartre. 3. La féconde expérience parisienne Van Gogh fréquente le milieu des peintres impressionnistes et néo-impressionnistes ( Camille Pissarro, Paul Gauguin, Paul Signac). Entré dans l'atelier de Cormon (1845-1924), il se lie avec Émile Bernard et Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, qui exerceront sur lui une nette influence. Les trois amis organisent une première exposition en 1887. Ils ne vendent aucune toile, mais ils savent que leur heure n'est pas encore venue. 4. La prééminence de la couleur Vincent Van Gogh, la Chambre de Vincent à Arles Vincent Van Gogh, la Salle de danse à Arles Au contact de Gauguin, mais aussi sous l'influence des estampes japonaises, Van Gogh affine ses recherches sur la couleur; sa palette s'éclaircit et se diversifie, sa facture s'assouplit, donnant lieu à des expérimentations sur des natures mortes, des paysages et des portraits ( le Père Tanguy, 1887).

Sinossi Lenny Belardo è un giovane cardinale statunitense, mite e dallo scarso peso politico. Abbandonato in orfanotrofio in tenera età, Lenny è continuamente tormentato da tale abbandono e ha sviluppato un rapporto molto turbolento con la fede e con Dio. Inaspettatamente Lenny viene eletto pontefice dal collegio cardinalizio, che crede forse di avere trovato una pedina da potere manovrare a piacimento. Tuttavia Lenny, salito al soglio con il nome pontificale di Pio XIII, si dimostrerà un papa controverso e per nulla incline a farsi comandare, machiavellico e manipolatore. Stagione Corrente Stagione 1 21 ottobre 2016 S01 E01 Episode 1 21 ott 2016 Il giovane Lenny Belardo, alias Pio XIII, è il primo Papa americano della storia. Eletto per una strategia mediatica, mostrerà subito i suoi lati più contraddittori. S01 E02 Episode 2 21 ott 2016 Nelle stanze del Vaticano si susseguono alleanze, confessioni e scelte spiazzanti, mentre il mondo attende con trepidazione che il nuovo Pontefice mostri il suo volto.

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March 13, 2021