Film Le Prénom Voirfilm

Réalisateur: Alexandre de La Patellière, Matthieu Delaporte Acteur(s): Patrick Bruel, Valérie Benguigui, Charles Berling, Guillaume de Tonquédec Genre: Drame, Comédie Durée: 1h49min Date de sortie: 2012-04-25 Année de production: 2012 Qualité: HD Langue: French (VFF) Synopsis et détails: Vincent, la quarantaine triomphante, va être père pour la première fois. Invité à dîner chez Élisabeth et Pierre, sa sœur et son beau-frère, il y retrouve Claude, un ami d'enfance. En attendant l'arrivée d'Anna, sa jeune épouse éternellement en retard, on le presse de questions sur sa future paternité dans la bonne humeur générale... Mais quand on demande à Vincent s'il a déjà choisi un prénom pour l'enfant à naître, sa réponse plonge la famille dans le chaos.

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He injects our real-world politics into their utopia, and holds them accountable for the suffering outside their borders. His methods are monstrous and his conclusions are twisted, but there's something all too recognizable in his pain. Killmonger's methods are monstrous and his conclusions twisted. But there's something all too recognizable in his pain. At times, in fact, he feels more relatable than T'Challa himself. T'Challa is the superpowered king of a fictional African nation that has never been conquered; Killmonger is, as he describes himself, "a kid from Oakland running around believing in fairy tales. " That bittersweet yearning we feel when we watch Wakanda, and wish with all our hearts that it could've been real? Killmonger's desire for Wakanda comes from a similar place. The difference is that Wakanda is real to him in ways that it isn't to us, and so that ache has transformed into festering anger. All these complications and contradictions are encapsulated in his final conversation with T'Challa, which ranks among the most emotional moments in the movie.

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March 4, 2021