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Dariela los Martes Frijomex enero 13, 2015 Drama, Fichas, Peliculas 0 Dariela los Martes, es una película mexicana que se centra en una joven llamada Dariela quien después de una crisis en su matrimonio decide divorciarse de Roberto. Ambos se encuentran en su vida laboral ya que los dos trabajan juntos en un proyecto que les llegó por encargo, en este hecho su entendimiento se da muy rápido y vuelven a... Ver Más »

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T he directionless euphoria of Andrea Arnold's road movie American Honey is sometimes drowsy, sometimes hyperactive: it entered my bloodstream more fully now than when I saw it the first time, earlier this year. Star, played by Sasha Lane, is a dirt-poor teenager with nothing to lose who joins a travelling gang roaming the country selling magazine subscriptions door-to-door, living in shared motel rooms, partying, drinking, fighting, playing loud music, and making extra money in each town selling sex or stealing from the customers' houses where they have been unwisely allowed in. The faces are extraordinary: pretty/unpretty, with the hard mask-like blank of youth, guys with powerful bodies like loaded weapons, scribbled on with tattoos. Star falls in love with the crew's top salesman, motormouth predator Jake (Shia LaBeouf), to the simmering rage of Jake's girlfriend, queen-bee crew manager Krystal, a tremendous performance from Riley Keough. I still think that at times this film, Arnold's first set in the US, looks a bit self-conscious in its learned Americanness and white-trash milieu, like a very accomplished pastiche homage to Larry Clark, Harmony Korine or the Gus Van Sant of Elephant: it's presented in the austerely boxy aspect ratio of 4:3, to emphasise single shots and closeups.

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Art History (2011) Opened: 09/23/2011 Limited Trailer: Click for trailer Websites: Home Genre: Drama Rated: Unrated Synopsis ART HISTORY delves into the emotional minefield of intimate low-budget filmmaking. Sam, a film director, has feelings for Juliette, the lead actress in his current production. He must maintain a professional relationship with her while they work on a sexually explicit relationship drama centered on a couple's one night stand. All is going well until Juliette and her co-star, Eric, develop feelings for each other that they explore offcamera. Sam is happy that his actors have such good chemistry, but feels jealous at the same time. Juliette feels Sam's shifting moods and does her best to show him affection, but his own inner struggles threaten to derail the production. Set entirely in one location over the course of a few days, ART HISTORY uses long static takes and minimal lighting to create a mood of claustrophobia and mystery. The characters are all having individual experiences and the other members of the group often seem unaware of each other, despite the small space that they are living and working in.

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Super strength From Captain Marvel (2012) #9 (image credit: DeConnick/Bellaire/McKelvie) Well, duh. You can't take off your superhero training wheels unless you can pack a mean punch, and Carol Danvers is no different. She might not have to get down into the nitty-gritty of hand-to-hand combat all that often (being an all-powerful space demi-god) but, when push comes to shove, Carol can lay the smackdown with the best of them. She's proficient in unarmed combat and, as many a Big Bad's henchman will attest, getting a kick in the face from Ms. Danvers is only marginally preferable to getting turned to dust by her energy beams. Just look at that image above. Ouch. Captain Marvel's powers in the MCU "She will be by far the most powerful character we've ever introduced, " explains Kevin Feige in a 2016 interview with CinemaBlend. But we don't know the ins and outs of Captain Marvel's powers just yet in the MCU. It appears that her origins are going to follow a similar path to the comics, with a traumatic air crash being highlighted more than once in the marketing material.

04/07/2008 17:37 h. Sergio acude al dermatólogo que le examina y le diagnostica que padece una infección que se transmite por vía sexual. El médico recomienda al actor que se abstenga de mantener relaciones íntimas. abstinencia todas las mujeres Sergio le asegura a Joaquín Sergio, Raquel y Joaquín especialmente cariñosa Joaquín les interrumpe Sergio se queda dormid Joaquín visita a Amador y a Maite excusa amiga de Maite

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