Regarder Eragon

Hello everyone! I have a small question regarding Brisingr. I have been looking for a replica/prop of Brisingr to display in my room, but I have an incredibly hard time finding one. I know of one replica that was on sale on Etsy, but when I went to see CP last year he told me he already bought it. The only other thing I could find was this really cool prop, also on Etsy, but unfortunately, they do not ship to my country. (I'm planning on shooting them a message to ask about it, though) As I have no means to make one of my own, (The place I live in is about 6 by 4 m so I do not have any working space to build an entire sword) Does anyone have any ideas where I can find one or any tips for if I do have to build one myself? Because I really, really want one. Thank you in advance!

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Ok I spent a lot more time complaining than I expected, so here are the positives!! I loved the characters in this book! There was a diversity in the cast that I honestly hadn't expected! While the world has gotten better about representation as a whole, the majority of stories seem to be told with a large cast of straight white, or white appearing, characters. And if there are characters of different races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, etc. the creators often times make that the characters entire identity. Paolini did a fantastic job of creating a complex set of characters that avoided this pitfall altogether for the most part! You could tell that these aspects of the characters added to the layers of their identity but they did truly feel like a fully layered individuals. The author also did a fantastic job of including references or influences from other works of science fiction, that could be identified if you looked hard enough, but felt like a fully independent part kf the world he had created, rather than a knockoff of something that already exists.

  1. Yet Another Angela Theory : Eragon
  2. Had a chance to reread the series again and wanted to discuss some of the things I noticed : Eragon
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  5. If I like Mistborn, Slow regard of silent things, Eragon, kingkiller chronicles, wheel of time what other high fantasy well written book with strong female lead would I like? : ifyoulikeblank

Some smaller gripes I have are that I wish that Kira and Ctein would have interacted more or "scented" more during their fight. The way that Ctein was built up to be this malevolent, clever, and ancient force was kind of downplayed by the fact that he came across in their first and final encounter as a kind of a mid-level boss in a video game like the FF7 remake. With enough dodging, well placed team assists, and a lucky final move they made quick work of It. If that was all it took, why did shoal leader nmarhl have such an issue taking ctein down all those millenia ago when it wasnt nearly as large or experienced? Lastly, the outcome with the Maw felt kind of expected. I don't know if its because I have read or watched so much sci-fi and fantasy, but the second that Kira was grabbed by the intelligent nightmare and it began to absorb the softblade the first thought that popped into my head was "Well why doesn't she just let the softblade do that in reverse? ". I'm very familiar with tropes and tropey endings, especially in this type of genre, so it wasn't a deal breaker for me, but it did make the ending of the book when Kira re-absorbs the Maw just a little less shocking for me.

Hey all, I'm new to this sub. As a child and early teenager, I used to love reading fantasy novels. Obviously my favorites included Tolkien & Rowling. I used to love Eragon too, but recently I read a few articles about how the author was accused of plagiarism in regards to stealing ideas. Which is why I'm wondering how one can discern between inspiration and plagiarization. For example, I know a lot of fantasy writers use races inspired by Tolkien (orcs as brutish, elves as noble & woodsy, dwarves as forgers living in the mountains). But wouldn't this be considered stealing ideas? One day, I hope to write at a fantasy novel, and so I would like to know the parameters so that I don't commit plagiarism!

Most Xenos don't last a month without looking for a transfer out. You must have seriously pissed of your Flight commander to end up here. " Asist perched on the bar surrounding the table, "I volunteered for Xeno service. I got sick of flying circles around the barracks at home. They handed me this posting. Maybe I did piss off someone but I didn't join up to hatch eggs at home. You? " "Trooper First-class Tarwan, a specialist in 'Sentient Information Transfer. ' That just means I'm better at paperwork than you. So many people wanted to get out of here that they got swamped by the requests so here I am. I'll get started on yours as soon as I finish my lunch. " He went back to eating the bowl of nearly seeds and nearly insects with his chopsticks. "You seem pretty sure that I'll be looking for a transfer. Why exactly is it a thing around here? If the conditions are that bad they would have shut the barracks and booted the lot of us. What gives? " Tarwan let out a low whistle of his own. "They didn't tell you. "

Paolini did such a great job making the fractalverse an interesting place that even during the slower sections I spent my time theorizing what else could exist out there amongst the stars or what challenges may get thrown at our heroes next! With that in mind, there were a few criticisms that I had. The main one that comes to mind, is that around the mid section of the book (I think 😅) Kira just starts going around the ship and pressing each of the characters for their back stories, or getting the information from other crew members of the Wallfish, almost back to back. It felt almost like the payoff of the loyalty missions in Mass Effect 2 or something like that, only that I still felt like the characters hadn't spent enough time with kira, or done enough with her for them to begin bearing their souls. The characters back stories were interesting, and I am glad that we got to learn more about them, but it just felt like there was a more organic way for Kira to learn about them, or that the majority of their histories could have been better spread out throughout the book, rather than clustered together in sections.

February 25, 2021